Welcome to shuiruge's blog


Autumn Rain


Autumn rain, Autumn rain

C'est La Vie

  1. "Man is not born for enjoyment."

On Using English


I decide to write blogs only in English. This is a good way for me to imporve my English skill quickly and firmly.

On Rilke


The novel by Rilke ended the day before yesterday, almost two months after the first time I met him in a bookstore in Qingdao.

How would this novel end? What was Rilke thinking when he ended it? It ended in a cold rain night for me, and maybe also for him. Imagine that Rilke was sitting in his chair, appreciating the wild wind outside the window, leaves dancing wildly with astonishment. Yes, he found the beauty from dummy, chaotic things, as he did in this novel. The beauty flashed, arising from the peace. Chaotic memories flashed, blinding his eyes, stretching his mind. While, the portrait of the man, written down in the end, grows like a tree, stable and gentle.

(This maybe the metophor of "trees" provided by H.Hesse, I'm not sure if they know each other.)

No Title

  1. 最近过着极不规律的生活——虽然作息时间相比过去规律多了,但是醒着的时候,很多事情无法得以计划,很多计划无法得以实施——这无非是我自己的自制力欠缺所致。可是,我哪里需要自制力呢?是不是?


  2. 昨天晚上被宿舍的管理人员发现,赶了出来。我现在开始了“流浪”的生活,穿行于城市之间,独自一人行走。或许,这正是那些过去的时日里我所喜爱,却从未被明确地意识到的。正如那个冬夜回家路上邂逅的美妙的境遇。
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