Thoughts on TensorFlow and Functionality


Recently, I’ve read the learning-to-learn, including its codes and paper. It’s aiming at designing a general optimizer, like tf.train.AdamOptimizer, not by human, but instead by machine.

The idea herein is simple. First we construct a trainable (rather than a fixed as usual) optimizer, naturally a recurrent neural network (RNN), since optimization process is sequential. The parameters of the RNN are opened up and trainable. Next, we construct a performance (or say, loss), which, also naturally, is the total loss along the optimization sequence. Verily, a better optimizer expects a smaller total loss. Then all is done. We train the parameters in the optimizer as a RNN by gradient descent as usual. They did so on dataset like CIFAR-10 with some specific model. As a result, it is found that the trained optimizer can be roubustly generalized to other datasets and models.

Let f(theta, D) the loss of some specific model with parameter theta, and D some dataset. Let m(phi) the trainable optimizer, as a RNN, with phi its paramters, trainable. It accepts a gradient of f and returns the difference of theta, telling how theta should be updated in the optimization proess. The total loss L, as the loss for training m, is

n_iters = ...  # The number of iterations of the optimization of `f`.

def L(phi, n_iters=n_iters):

    # Initialize
    theta = ...
    total_loss = f(theta, D)
    for i in range(n_iters):
        gradiant = compute_gradient( f(theta, D), theta )
        theta += m(phi)(gradient)
        total_loss += f(theta, D)

    return total_loss

And then we use gradient descent method to train the phi, like

best_phi = argmin(L, method='gradient_descent')

This looks simple and dull, but challangeable in TensorFlow. Indeed, in TensorFlow, the general work-flow likes:

graph = ...

with graph.as_default():

  model = ...
  theta = tf.Variable(...)
  data = tf.placeholder(...)
  targets = tf.placeholder(...)

  predictions = model(data, theta)
  loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(predictions - targets))
  ...  # Optimizer, train-Op, etc.

with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
  ...  # initialization, run the train-Op iteratively, etc.

As you see, the loss (the f in our notations) is not a function, as the name “loss-function” promises, but a quantity (a Tensor explicitly). However, in the training of the RNN optimizer in the previous, the theta that feeds into the loss f is not a trainable (i.e. Variable), but non-trainable and is kept updating by m(phi). This demands that, if you use this loss-quantity in training the RNN optimizer, you have to inspect the code and try to substitude the theta from tf.Variable(...) to tf.placeholder(...). This is what learning-to-learn have done, by employing a magic: the mock module. However, this is forbidden by your elegent programming habit: package codes and then treat as a black box.

A preferable way of implemeting this is using function. That is, using an “operation constructor”, like the tf.multiply. For instance,

def make_loss(theta, data, targets, model, name=None)
  """Implements the loss `f`, as an operator constructor."""
  # Some pre-defined function, for checking tensor, shape, dtype, etc.
  # This function substitudes the function `tf.convert_to_tensor`, which
  # will convert trainable tensor to non-trainable.
  check_arguments(theta, data, targets) 

  with tf.name_scope(name, 'loss', [theta, data]):
    # Just copy-and-paste the previous codes
    predictions = model(data, theta)
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(predictions - targets))
  return loss
graph = ...

with graph.as_default():

  model = ...

  theta_var = tf.Variable(...)
  data = tf.placeholder(...)
  targets = tf.placeholder(...)
  loss = make_loss(theta_var, data, target, model)
  ...  # Optimizer, train-Op, etc.

with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
  ...  # initialization, run the train-Op iteratively, etc.

The loss now becomes a reusable function. For instance, if we expect theta a tf.placeholder, then just

with graph.as_default():

  theta_ph = tf.placeholder(...)
  new_loss = make_loss(theta_ph, data, target, model)

This process create a new sub-graph in the graph, wherein the common parts, i.e. the data, target, and model, are reused.

In the end, a piece of codes declares what I mean:

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

def my_multiply(x, y, name=None):
  """Returns an `Op` for `x * y + 2`."""
  with tf.name_scope(name, 'my_multiply', [x, y]):
    return tf.multiply(x, y) + 2.

graph = tf.Graph()

with graph.as_default():
    xs = [
        tf.placeholder('float32', shape=[], name='x_1'),
        tf.Variable(initial_value=1.5, name='x_2'),
    y = tf.placeholder('float32', shape=[], name='y'),
    my_multiply_ops = [my_multiply(x, y) for x in xs]

    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

with tf.Session(graph=graph) as sess:
  writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('logs', sess.graph)

  vals =, feed_dict={xs[0]: 1., y: 2.})


which returns [array([4.], dtype=float32), array([5.], dtype=float32)], as expected. You can simply copy-and-paste, and then run it. With running in terminal tensorboard --logdir=logs, can you visualize the graph, showing up what I said forsooth.

PS: About the style, the official documentation is highly recommanded. It leaks nothing but one point, that is the usage of tf.convert_to_tensor. It convert trainable tensor to non-trainable, which is not preferable.